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Monday, January 31, 2005, 11:56 PM

Alright ladies, I hate to break this to you, but...


Check this out:

Clitoris - A small elongated erectile organ at the anterior part of the vulva, homologous with the penis.

There you have it! For those of you who don't know, clitoris is something that is a part of the female sexual organ (I think).

We learn something new everyday don't we?

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« BREAKING NEWS! (well, mabe)»

Saturday, January 29, 2005, 9:27 PM

After reading the report by Wired News about web comic, I've decided to make my own web comic characters. Making a sprite comic out of game characters was fun and easy, but it seemed much more fun and satisfying to make my own characters though. A lot of hard work, but I believe it'll be relatively satisfying.

Well, assignments are due and tests are just around the corner. I just can't find the time to make the comic right now. And besides, I'm gonna at least make a 2nd strip to the Maple Comic to wrap things up. Not that it matters since not many people are reading it anyways. But it's a personal goal, so there.

I think I'd better try and start on my assignments. Else I'd never get started on the making the 2nd strip of Maple Comic, and my original web comic would never materialise. Blah Blah.

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« Web comic blues»

Thursday, January 27, 2005, 1:43 AM

I'm finally done with editing the Maple Comic site for the day...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just crazy. I should have spend the time on doing my assignments, but instead, I'm doing all these nonsensical(but fun) activities. Maybe I'm just too afraid of what would happen tomorrow. Maybe I would die. Or something.

The thing is my life has changed after the ice skating incident. I never thought I would be involved in such an accident. But it did. No one can assure you what can happen in the next few seconds of your life. I only want to live it the way I want to. To a certain extent at least.

Well, time to sleep. Else I'm gonna be uber jaded tomorrow. I may put up a section of web comic links (for my own reference!).

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« Editing Editing and MORE Editing!»

Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 1:13 AM

I've always been fascinated by how people manage to make webcomics. Well, I finally got down to making one myself! Check it! Click on the banner below!

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« Maple Comic»

Monday, January 24, 2005, 1:57 AM

Ahh... I took an involuntary 2 week break from school (I'm not complaining about it... it was great to have a break) and now I'm going back! The poxes seem to be healing quite well, phew.

I went back to Maple Story again during the 2 week break because R.O.S.E was starting to annoy me. The camera navigation totally sucks and I died a few times because of that. And that is not the only thing that sucks in the game.

Saturday night was a fruitful Maple night cause I managed to get a couple of good items from the hordes of boar that I killed. I even got the fabled Arwen's glass shoes, which was kinda like a bonus since I wasn't expecting it to come my way. Blah blah.

I did a cheapskate picture for my Maple signature using default Photoshop effects. Looks rather decent if I should say so myself. Anyhow, Maple has closed registration of user accounts for the time being, so for people out there who want to join into the already overpopulated band wagon, it's a nuh-uh.

Time to sleep.

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« Back to school»

Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 11:27 PM

I have just finished the last of my pox pills.

I better not see those friggin' poxes when I wake up tomorrow.

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« Announcement : News Update»

Sunday, January 09, 2005, 9:19 PM

Pox is everywhere. Even on my frickin' gums.

At least I get to play Rush on Seven Episodes(Seven Hearts).

But I'd rather be studying for once.

Anyways, check out the game site(below) if you're interested to know more.

Image Hosted by

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« Log of "The Days With Chicken Pox" »

Saturday, January 08, 2005, 9:35 AM

Just had my medicine a while ago. Had to eat that medicine 5 times a day.

*sighs* I always thought that staying at home would be much better than going to school, but I never meant it this way. Tonnes of assignments to be dued soon, and I can't frickin' go to school. The invasion of pox is eminent... seems like every inch of my body is almost taken over by these menaces. Even my tongue has not been spared from this invasion. Most certainly hope that it wouldn't get to my ears. They would probably rot if that happens.

MUMI assignment is dued next week and assignment 2 would be up shortly. And I'm at a situation where I am unable to do anything except to wait. Doctor said that the fastest it takes to heal would be at least a week. I hope I am able to recover within that bare minimal period. So that means I'll be at home, idling, lagging behind work, and may even be forced to retain for this semester. The horror. Being unable to act for VEFX is already bad enough. This pox cult has taken away my chance at acting.

Darn spoilsport.

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Thursday, January 06, 2005, 11:42 AM

I've reformatted my computer once again! If you had made me count the number of times I had reformatted this machine, I wouldn't have been able to give you a specific number. Truth is, I've done it countless of times despite the fact that this machine is not even a year old.

Darn, I hate it when computers screw me up.

Tried to install Rush on Seven Episodes last night before I had reformatted my computer. But couldn't get the program to run. Figures. That's wat happens when your computer has decided to screw you up, just for the sake of entertainment. I suspect this is a conspiracy by Microsoft.

Anyhow, reformatted my computer and redownloaded the game. And guess what? I finally got it installed! Yeah! Let's pop a champagne for celebration!

But wait a second, what is this? Some weird Korean error message pops up when I try to login to the game server. "Must be some common error." I thought to myself.

Turns out that it is.

And as usual, there are those friendly forum chatters who offer advices to those in need. I followed the instructions carefully and reinstalled the program and waited an excruitiating 15 minutes for it to patch up.

Nothing. Same, goddamn, frickin', korean error message.

You know, I always thought that Microsoft error messages were bad enough to begin with. This is WORSE.

Just feel so tired from all the tantrums that my computer is throwing at me. I'm actually typing with my eyes closed now, for your information. Just too tired to peel them open...

How I wish I can get to play R.O.S.E. right now.

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« Jaded»

Wednesday, January 05, 2005, 8:24 PM

Heck I feel like puking right now.

That's probably what most people would react when they have to face a screen of messed up codes. And when I say messed up, I meant that the codes are done really really BAD. I tried to fix them up, but there was no order in the goddamn codes, and too many redundant codes, too many senseless details and way too many broken coding language.

I think I'm gonna take a vacation from blog modding. Looking at blog templates now makes me sick.

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« Bye bye blog modding... for now.»

Tuesday, January 04, 2005, 9:51 PM

Don't you just frickin' hate tables?

Remember the time when you were just a innocent little child, and you were encouraged forced to learn multiplication tables? Remember the mental pain inflicted on your poor little pinkie brain while trying to desperately memorise the 6x table?

Well, I do.

And now, even in Polytechnic, tables haunt me. Yes sir, I so frickin' hate tables.

I just spent an entire night yesterday trying to figure out how to make my background color for the various title header go all the way to the corner of each table. I thought hard and I thought, maybe, just maybe, it would work if I inserted nested tables inside a table cell.

Maybe this would confuse laymen out there. To put it in short, I screwed up.


Because I was insanely idiotic enough to not have noticed that I could have just removed the goddamn cellpadding. Because I was stupid enough to trust this evil, yes evil tables.

And it would have helped out if I had thought about indentation sooner as well.


The consolation for all handling all that horrible tables?

My blog is now fully functional.


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« Tables, the bane of my life»

Monday, January 03, 2005, 10:28 PM

I hope the frickin' quiz fits in my blog. I had to frickin remove the graph charts so that it can goddamn fit and publish the goddamn post. Goddamnit.

You scored as Buddhist.

created with

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« Bored? Do a quiz!»

10:20 AM

Was nearly late for class today. Woke up feeling numb and really really sick. Might be a result of facing the computer the whole day fixing my friend's blog. Or it may be the dream that I had. Or maybe as an aftermath of pissing my friend off last night. Or it could be the goddamn weather perhaps?

Gah. I think all of them had a contributal factor.

Anyways, about the dream I had.

I was sitting in the bus, I think, and for some reason, I just left my wallet beside me, on the seat. Nobody noticed the wallet, and the whole bus was filled with bangla's. I'm no racist, by the way, but that's just how the dream went.

When I finally decided to retrieve my wallet, a fierce looking bangla sat beside me and demanded my wallet. I naturally refused of course. Who in the world would surrender their wallet to an unknown man?

That guy then started shouting at me in a really fierce booming voice which was when I shouted back. The goddamn retard even threatened to yank off my ear stud should I resist further.

And he did.

That was when I snapped.

Well, not really snap, it's kinda more like morphing. Funny thing how too much animes can affect your brain.

So I morphed in a way that I didn't really change. Not much at least. I could feel my finger nails growing longer as well as the enormous amount of energy derived from rage itself. By then I was already half awake, but I thought I'd stay a little longer to see the end parade.

Time to kick some bangla ass.

I went into a crazy rage and started punching and punching at that guy. Non stop. I didn't care if he died or anything. In fact, I think I really really wanted him dead.

Did I mention that my ear lobe was unharmed even though the stud was pierced out?

Anyways, that was when I decided to wake up. Wasn't a need to see the man's dying face. He was a dead man for sure.

Oh joy.

I woke up feeling kinda sick. Not that this is the first time I had such kickass dreams. I've had a couple of those, and everytime I did, I woke up feeling good.

Yea, kickass good.

Maybe I felt sick because I was pissing my friend off in the comfort of my own home. To make a long story short, it ended up with her preaching me and me preaching back.

Do I acknowledge the existence of Christ? Sure I do. Just like I acknowledge the existence of all the other Gods our fellow humans pray to. But in life, you only tread on one path, and I choose to follow the religion of Buddhisim. Nothing wrong with that.

I admit I'm not a firm hardcore Buddhist. But at least I believe. That's good enough.

And yes, I believe in other religions too.

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« Violent Tendencies»

Sunday, January 02, 2005, 10:38 PM

Finally completed my concept paper. Phew... what a relief. Actually, wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. The tedious part was actually getting started... I have the tendency to resist real work and that really makes completing my school work really really tricky.

At least I have 1 item off the list of Mount Everest. Now for VEFX proposal. Got some serious reading up to do.


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« MMAD Concept Paper, DONE!»

4:39 PM

Ah... I finally finished editing the blog template for my friend! Phew... all in a hard day's work. Started at it at around 11pm last night... finally completed it. I have absolutely no idea why I am doing this, not that I'm getting paid or anything. Maybe it's just for the challenge. But then again, there ain't much challenge in just editing a blog skin that's already ready. Oh well, at least I had fun with Photoshop.

Hmm... let's see. I was waiting for Benjamin finish up his blog template the whole of yesterday, and happened to see my friend online, so I volunteered to do her blog. It was just a random act, I guess I felt bored and wanted to design a girly blog for once. Kinda fun actually. Too bad I can't publish her blog here since she wants it to be private. It's like those to be entrusted to people within the CIRCLE OF TRUST kinda thing. Bummer. What a pity.

Anyways, Benjamin's blog looked awesome. Really stylish and it kinda gives me a homey type of feel. It looks like a lot of hardwork though. Left him a message at around 2am in the morning in his blog, and I woke up this morning to realise(to my horror) that I had used a wrong word on my comment.

"... ... shines his teeth"

Commenting on someone's blog 2am in the morning doesn't exactly give you an added advantage in the wakeup department. My brain was like "ugh, mental block" and all I could think of was shines his teeth instead of your regular flashes his teeth. Anyways, do check out Benjamin's blog while the layout still remains. I heard from him that he ain't gonna put it there for long. As for me, I think this blog would be here for a loooooooooooooooong time. I'm just such a lazy bum.

Work piling up on me. Gotta start. I know that's what I said a few posts back, but hey, at least there was the intention to start.

Didn't they say that it's the thought that counts?

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« Blogger Bugger»

Saturday, January 01, 2005, 1:40 PM

Have been busy the whole of yesterday doing up my blog... I know I should have spent the time more productively like doing my assignments or maybe reading up on tutorials to help me with the multimedia authoring programs, but I just felt like making my blog, no reasons to it really. Anyways, it was about time I changed to a proper template, so to hell with the Should Dos and Shouldn'ts.

The tag board seems to be prim and proper now, so feel free to post up on it. I can't really view it on my home PC for some weird reason, but I'll check out how it looks back in school on Monday.

Time to start work... seriously.

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« Tag! You're IT!»

1:11 AM

Wow! It's a brand new year! It's 1+ in the morning and here I am again, looking at my blog, customising, customising and more customising!

What's that you say? Work? Er... WORK

Or maybe not.

Well, at least I've emailed the lecturer on my 2 other subtopics, that's 1 job off the checklist. Now all I have to do is to wait for a reply and get down to my VEFX proposal while I'm at it.

Sounds relatively simple?


Relatively easy?


Alright, the keywords here are "goddamn difficult". Seriously, I doubt my ability to last throughout the day without drifting off.

I hope I can wake up to a good start in the morning.

I hope.

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« Happy New Year!»


-is an '86er
-is easily bored




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