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Saturday, January 28, 2006, 8:16 PM

There is one thing that I love about Lunar New Year... and that's food.

And what better way to kickstart Lunar New Year than my favourite steamboat meal?

Food... glorious food.

Just like Mario, I love my shrooms.

Topshell and abalone! Mmmm... mmm. I'll think about rhe cholestrol involved later.

And the main dish... steamboat noodles.

All photos taken with my handy camera phone.

And here's wishing all of you a Happy Lunar New Year in advance!

6 commented on
« Lunar New Year's Eve 2006!»

Friday, January 27, 2006, 4:53 PM

Was kind of expecting to get half a day off at work today, reason being it's the eve of Lunar New Year's Eve... people DO get half a day off on an eve's Eve right?

Uh. No matter.

Time seems to come to a crawl when you're in a hurry to go home. I have no idea how that cursed thing works, but I imagine that there's one timekeeper who's assigned to each being (animals and humans alike) and this guy/girl adjusts the speed of time according to the activities and mindset that we are in.

Fun times = Fast motion time
Dreadful times = Super-Hellish-Slow motion time

I think they really get the kick out of seeing us in agony.

Let's do a quick check on what I have accomplished in my new year resolution list up til today:

Do work at work ATTEMPT FAILED

The only resolution that ALMOST pulled off.


Well, at least I have CNY to look forward to.

Mmm... glorious food.

I'll just have to worry about the repercussions later.

2 commented on
« Cursed time»

Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 10:06 AM

这足以证明 BLOGGER 是可以发布华文字体的。谢谢。

Anymore questions?

7 commented on
« Blogger allows the publishing of chinese characters»

Monday, January 23, 2006, 12:55 PM

Yes. For those of you who don't believe in it, it's real. It all happened on that fateful Friday... I was lusting for a free ice cream, and bluffed my way to get it. And then Karma just came and hit me in the face.

Let's just talk about today. I feel sick in the office (not the normal kind you should experience at work) and I even bit my tongue during lunch. Bit it hard enough to bleed, apparently.

Karma exists. And it's coming for you.

1 commented on
« Karma is a bitch»

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 11:35 PM

And now, for the moment that you've been awaiting for... I shall unveil my workplace!

And that's a photo of one corner of my office room... with Mr Giant's hand right over there. He's trying to pick up computer (skills).

And since it was Singapore Polytechnic's open house yesterday, I proudly present to you, Carrie Cheong from 98.7FM!

You probably can't tell that's Carrie from the photographs. Yes, I admit openly that my photography skill sucks.

And here's one of the attractions from Spinnovex (Carrie loves them).

Always treat your dog as your baby... and put them in the baby stroller. If I had one of those robot dogs, I'll make them beg for money. I'll be rich I tell ya!

Or maybe not.

I promise I'll try to brush up on my photography skills which are as bad as my puns (or maybe worse).

Free photography lessons for super noobs, anyone?

4 commented on
« A day at work»

Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 8:55 AM

It's always amusing to read flames, really. Especially when it revolves around matters that people would just walk away from in real life.

Funny how the internet works huh?

The fact that you can rebuke someone and yet get away with it has made flaming so popular on the net. Most people don't flame because of what the author has written. They flame because they can. Being a fellow attention seeker, I totally understand how they feel. Just think of the attention you can get for flaming somebody!

Knowing that, let us go through some important steps to ensure that you, my fellow attention seeking whore, would be able to garner as much attention as you had intended to.

Step 1: Picking your victim

With the advent of blogs on the raise to popularity, one should never turn a blind eye to this spectacular breeding ground for flamers-to-be.

What better place is there to gather more attention than a blog that has been showered by media attention? Do some research and you'll eventually find your holy grail.

Step 2: Risk assessment

Of course, you can't just blindly flame your victim without doing some risk assessment.

If you're going to make it big, never allow any chances for a slip up. Researching is very important. Read through your victim's blog entries and comments left behind by his/her fans or haters. It would help an awful lot in your risk assessment.

Remember, no slip ups. Leave no loop holes in your flaming.

Step 3: Flame him while it's hot

If you're an amateur flamer, I suggest you step back and learn from the pros at work. It's hard for an amateur to start a flame by himself, so just add to the flames while you're at it and try to get the hang of it.

Don't be in a hurry to gain fame for yourself. Nobody become a star overnight.

Step 4: Kage Bunshin

The strength is in the numbers.

The more flamers there are to your cause, the bigger the flame would be. Of course, we can't always expect people to agree with us 100% of the time, and that's where this ancient ninja technique comes in.

Make secret clones of yourself to support your own cause. When you have enough "supporters", people would miraculously jump to your cause. But always be careful not to get caught.

Step 5: Making a mountain out of a molehill

Last but not least, the very important step, making a mountain out of a molehill.

Always keep in mind that the internet works differently from the real world. Matters that one would normally overlook in a normal real life circumstance could become a totally hot topic on the internet.

It's your job as a flaming attention whore to make a big fuss out of your victim's blog entry. But a word of caution - if you fail to rally support for this movement, you would fall terribly. But not to worry, you could always start anew with a new nick.

Now go and fulfil your destiny. The short, 3 minute attention span of the internet awaits you.

Don't you just love the internet?

5 commented on
« Flaming 101»

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 9:18 AM

"I really really like the electric guitar and would really really want to learn how to play it."

If you're one of those who have been around me long enough, you should have heard this line at least an umpteen times.

Just look at this baby... the fantastic Schecter line guitar that one of my online friends recommended.

So what gives? Just pick up the guitar book and start learning already.

Yeah... and then there's the computer that I'm slightly extremely addicted to.

The agony.

Just another boring rant post.

0 commented on
« The Guitar, The Computer and the Ass»

Friday, January 13, 2006, 9:08 AM

I've been wanting to talk about this particular product from OSIM, but it kinda slipped my mind until I saw it again in TODAY(the newspaper) today.

The first time I saw the product on a tv commercial, I nearly spit out the water I was drinking (that is, if I was drinking water at that moment in time). The first thought that went through my mind was: "WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING!?"

Sure, I enjoyed the advertisement. Which hot blooded male wouldn't? The women in the advertisement were all in a very suggestive *ahem* (sorry, no offence to OSIM) sexual pose. And them "riding" away on the iGallop doesn't seem to make all the sexual innuendos go away either. Sexy ladies with their suggestive poses riding away... you do the maths.

Is it just me? Or do the ladies really know how to have fun nowadays?

Excuse me while I sit at one corner and peek at the ladies working out on their iGallop.

4 commented on
« Ride it baby!»

Thursday, January 12, 2006, 8:49 AM

Time seemed to pass by so slowly once upon a time when I thought that a week consisted of 10 days. But as we slowly grow older and become more aware of our surroundings (this part sucks), time seems to have its eyes set on us, determined to ruin our perfect slow-mo lives.

At times like this, have you ever wished that you had the ability to stop time?

Just think about it... it's a practically impossible concept, I know. But just how much would it rock/suck?

If one had the ability to stop time, the amount of stuff he could do is practically limitless. But, given the circumstances that time has been stopped, there is also a whole lot of stuffs that he is unable to do. Let's compile a small list off the top of my head on what he can and can't do if time has stopped.

  • strip naked and run around without getting caught

  • strip other people naked

  • take anything to your heart's content without the pain of paying

  • hump the immobile humans

  • sleep in the middle of the road

  • go through people's private belongings

  • draw on people's face

  • scream, shout and sing anywhere you like

  • strip people naked - have I mentioned this already?

  • operate any digital devices - that means no games and no tv

  • have sex - unless you count doing it with an stiff human body

  • irritate people - since they're pretty much frozen in time

  • stop yourself from aging - read below

Shop till you drop! All the clothes would be free because no one is going to stop you from taking them. Everything in the world would be free for your taking. Automated doors would be a problem though.

But since time has stopped, you would eventually starve to death when you finish up all the food available at that point of time. The good news is, the food would never rot and it's probably enough to last till you're old to die (unless you're a lazy ass who can't even be bothered to look for food).

Yes, you WILL eventually die because you can't stop your own biological clock from ticking... unless you freeze yourself in time, which pretty much defeats the purpose.

The possibilities involved if one could stop time is practically limitless. The first thing I would do if I stop time would be... to take a long nap. Naps are vital! Remember that! And then I shall proceed to wreck havoc onto the world... starting with stripping people naked. Very important.

What would YOU do if you had the ability to stop time?

5 commented on
« All the time in the world»

Monday, January 09, 2006, 11:21 PM

Rainy days always makes me cold.

When it's cold, I get hungry a lot faster.

Remember what I said yesterday about not eating food that would upset my stomach? Yeah... about that...

Presenting... The Lethal Curry Puff. It has the spice and meat (not a lot) that I'm trying to escape from. But just look at it! How can anyone resist that yummy-licious looking thing?

I bought two by the way.

Let's just hope that thing goes well with the stomach. I don't want to end up puking my intestines out again. I got so paranoid that I'll end up puking again that I actually chewed my dinner a million times before allowing it to go down through my throat. I rarely have to work that hard for my meal.

Puking is bad. Puking and I go a long way back, but we never seem to agree with each other.

Darrell no anyhow eat again. No see doctor! RAWR!!

9 commented on
« Mmmmm... foood....»

Sunday, January 08, 2006, 10:31 PM

Those little creepers that you don't notice until you are totally alone. All by yourself. And then it gets to you.

Don't you just hate it when it slowly creeps up to you?

In case you are wondering what I'm blabbering on about, I'm talking about this little bugger called "Loneliness".

It makes you feel empty and cold inside. It makes you feel sad. And then it makes you feel sorry for yourself. Pesky little bugger, ain't it?

I mentioned how much I love the rain. But it also makes me feel more lonely. Funny how that thing can make me happy and sad at the same time. I actually dreamt that I have a wife this morning. Weird. But it was a good dream. No, there was no sex, you horny little creeps.

It really feels good to have a sweet dream once in a while rather than violent ones.

In other news, I have sort of recovered from my sickness, but to play it safe, I'm staying away from meat(not inclusive of seafood, fyi) and chili (so long, my natural way to getting high). So my food in school for the whole week would probably be:

Sliced Fish Soup
-photo to be inserted later, if ever-

Yong Tau Foo
-photo to be inserted later, if ever-

Ooh. Exciting.

Not that I'm complaining, cause I've been eating both of them since forever. Yes, I like soup. And yes, I really like fish meat that much.

It appears that some people have been doubting about the authenticity of my sickness. Believe me, if it kept me away from my computer for one full day, I am really that sick. End of story.

I doubt I'll return to my gluttony state anytime soon.

5 commented on
« Creepers»

Friday, January 06, 2006, 8:51 AM

Yesterday was one of the worst times of my life. For a moment, I thought I was dying.

Woke up at 5am with a very disturbed stomach. I was already feeling unwell the day before that due to an overdosage of chillis... I seriously got to cut down on those.

So there I was in the toilet, unsure of what to do. I felt my stomach churning and I tried to puke, but nothing came out. I seriously hate puking. It hurts my abdomen.

My stomach remained very disturbed and I lingered around the toilet. I could feel my face going green. I tried to wake my mum up, but I didn't even have the strength to call out for help.

And then, it came.

I rushed to the toilet and puked like a drunk man. I puked up my nose and had to sneeze out a lump of vomit afterwards. That did not go well.

After that I had diarrhea throughout the day. The worst time of it was when I was crapping halfway and had to puke. The excessive diarrhea lead to a mild fever and a very painful ass.

And the stingy doctor at the clinic only gave me a one day MC from work. How can anyone be expected to recover from such an experience in only one day? What a scrooge.

Darrell must not eat too much chilli again.

4 commented on
« A day of crap»

Monday, January 02, 2006, 1:15 PM

Familiar faces all around
nothing more than shadows
The closer you are,
the further you drift

Lands do not separate us
but yet we part
the irony of distance
make it more distant

The meaningless faces
and hovering shadows,
nothing more than
auld lang syne
Nothing lasts forever
shackles nor bonds

The moon above our heads
the paths beneath our feet
The similar will differ
our paths will not converge

The lone traveller
belongs nowhere
He who sits in the dark
quivers at night alone.

1 commented on
« Alone»

12:17 AM

Yeah, I know I'm a little slow in the new year greeting, but better late than never, no?

Happy New Year 2006 people!!! Best wishes for the new year!!

And what's a new year without new year resolution? Here's my list of resolution for 2006:

I love making New Year resolutions. It's like making a To-Do List. You know that you will probably accomplish any of them, but yet it's such an accomplishment compiling this shit.

Next up is my list of favourites from the year 2005!

Stupidest thing I've done in 2005? Purchasing those cursed Maple Cards. I swear those guys put a voodoo spell on them.

And that's it for 2005... and there goes another year of my youth. Bummer.

All the best for 2006 ya'all!

7 commented on
« Happy New Year 2006!!»


-is an '86er
-is easily bored




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