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Thursday, December 29, 2005, 10:46 AM

Darrell, your true color is Blue!

You're blue — the most soothing shade of the spectrum. The color of a clear summer sky or a deep, reflective ocean, blue has traditionally symbolized trust, solitude, and loyalty. Most likely a thoughtful person who values spending some time on your own, you'd rather connect deeply with a few people than have a bunch of slight acquaintances. Luckily, making close friends isn't that hard, since people are naturally attracted to you — they're soothed by your calming presence. Cool and collected, you rarely overreact. Instead, you think things through before coming to a decision. That level-headed, thoughtful approach to life is patently blue — and patently you!


Author's comment:

I never knew I was a blue person... well, at least it beats being red (which I got the first time because of one question).

By the way, you can click on the picture to get to the quiz.

5 commented on
« What's Your True Color?»

9:32 AM

No, I'm not talking about the ones in my mouth. I'm talking about this convenient technology called the Bluetooth. I bought the adaptor to convenience my file transfers from my handphone to the PC and vice versa a few days ago and it has been giving me a really big headache.

Computers really have a thing against me.

I remembered having troubles with my Macintosh back at the time when I had one. "Changing to a PC might save me all the trouble." I thought naively to myself.

Yeah right. In my dreams.

Anyways, Windows XP Service Pack 2 decided that it didn't like the new kid on the block (my Bluetooth adaptor) and thus screwed up my driver installation process.

Computers are evil, I tell you.

And since my computer was cranking up at that point of time, I decided to reformat it and try installing the drivers again.

It worked.

The bad part was that in my eagerness to install the new drivers, I had failed to install any protection in my computer. Bad move on my part.

NEVER, NEVER, EVER try to get online without your anti-virus and firewall protection.

In less than half an hour, my whole computer was infested with these little buggers and vermins. The situation got so serious that my browsers became fucked up. Even connection to game servers became impossible.

My computer started lagging like hell. I had to forcefully shut it down umpteen times before it worked again.

It ended up with me reformatting the computer again. That took a freaking 2 hours.

Thousands of computers world-wide die from infestations of spywares, adwares, trojans and other unknown viruses every second. Please, spare a thought for your computer. Get protection TODAY.

I'd hate to complain, but my camera phone lags like hell. The resolution isn't that awesome, but the phone sure is pretty to look at. Expect photos within the next few posts... if I feel like taking any.

Farewell my Nokia 3200. I'll miss you.

0 commented on
« The Tooth that brings the Blues»

Monday, December 26, 2005, 10:42 PM

Because you can learn nice things from them. Like this song/poem I got from Erementar Gerard. I'm not sure how accurate the translation is, but it shouldn't be too far off. Here it is:

The Lost Song

The words that bring fortune to the land convey the emotions of the singer.
They contain its power.

Thus are they law,
and not law.

Now let us exchange them,
let us bring forth them.
Let us bring forth that which is beautiful.
Now let us exchange them,
bring them forth.
Bring forth the laws.

You and I,
As if interwined and inseperable,
we are one.
You and I.
Exchanged thus are our thoughts,
are our karma.
Thus ring the bells,

Thus gather we Heaven and Earth.
Flowering in all its varied glories.
Thus we pray.
We shall not forget,
even if apart,
you and I are leaves of the same world.

So the next time mum and dad nags at you for watching animes, you know what to do, right?

4 commented on
« Animes are educational»

Sunday, December 25, 2005, 8:04 PM

... my true love gave to me... well, not really. But, on the first day of Christmas, I bought myself a... ...

Motorola RAZR V3!!!

Ain't she a beauty?

You know what this means! More photos on the blog! No more plain boring text. No siree... It's going to be a series of photo spammings, whether you like it or not!

And what's the phone good for if I can't transfer any photos to my trusty (and temperamental) computer?

Introducing... ...

The Bluetooth USB Dongle 3... universally known as The Bluetooth USB Adaptor. I seriously need to brush up on my photo taking skills if I want to do my phone camera some justice.

And yes, I'm now officially broke.

And since this be the season of Christmas...


It's not everyday you get to scold someone a "HO" (whore) and get away with it. Heh.

Merry Christmas.

5 commented on
« On the first day of Christmas»

Thursday, December 22, 2005, 1:34 PM

There was a heavy downpour at around noon. When I say downpour, I mean rain that's enough to make a tiny waterfall.

I love the rain. Not that I would want to be caught in one, but being indoors and looking out at the rain is really something else. Everyone should try it. Being alone indoors, looking out at that rain. Beautiful. Therapeutic even.

Blessings from Heaven
carried by the Wind.
The decension to Earth,
to wash away the pain

Howl of the Wind
Pattering of the Rain
The music of Nature
shall heal the jaded soul

7 commented on
« Rain»

Wednesday, December 21, 2005, 10:27 AM

Yes, I've decided to redo the game because I've been getting complaints that the 5 facts I gave out were not exciting/interesting enough. You know I love y'all.

5 weird/random stuffs about me! RELOADED

1 & 2 (because good things come in pairs... like jugs): I clear my bowels at least once a day. And I like to read stuffs while I'm at it.

3: You can't get me high by flashing yourself to me voluntarily. I like to peek at what I'm not supposed to see.

4 (if you're a friend of mine, you would probably know this): I prefer girls who don't put makeup. Yes, makeup can make a girl dead gorgeous, but it also spoils their skin... and I'm more interested in seeing the girl behind that thick makeup.

5: I drool all over my pillow. So if you ever visit me, stay away from my bed.

Grossness sells.

6 commented on
« The blog game RELOADED»

Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 1:10 PM

And here it is... all thanks to Johnson. Read the rules. Play the game. NOW.

"Rules of the game: post 5 weird and random facts about yourself, then at the end list 5 people who are next in line to do this. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their blog and tell them to read yours."

5 weird/random stuffs about me!
(As if I wasn't weird enough to begin with):

Number One: I don't watch sports programs (seldom to never). That means no soccer, no basketball, no nothing. Because it bores me.

Number Two: When it comes to girls, I like em short (no, I'm not talking about their skirts). Not short like a dwarf short, more like shorter than me short.

Number Three: My parents weren't the ones who named me "Darrell". I did.

Number Four: I love the electric guitar but I have absolutely no idea how to play it.

Number Five: I don't shop for clothes. Everything I wear is bought by my mum because I'm such a lazyass. I don't even shop for undergarments. Bite me.

And the 5 lucky winners picked for the next round of the game are:

*drums roll*


5 commented on
« The game that has been going around»

9:41 AM

Before I start on the topic, here's the result of the Asian blog awards.

No, I'm not surprised Miss Cheng won.

And now, back to me.

With blogging being the in-thing of this generation, what does blogging actually mean to a casual blogster (yes, I call people who blog blogsters to prevent the collision of names with like me?

I'm sure most of you would have taken in this fact by now, that blogging is unlike writing a diary. A diary is something which allows you to keep secret entries... write about people you hate... everything and anything. There is absolutely no limit to what you can write in your diary because you need not fear having your ass busted.

Now, we look at the blog. It's like a new media (in a way) which allows one to rant to their heart's content, with the writer bearing the thought (be it consciously or subconsciously) that someone in the massive cyberspace would be reading it. Although the contents of the blog might seem to be limited only to the writer's mind, there are obvious constraints to look out for. For paranoias like myself, I choose not to touch on topics which might get me in jail/sued/brutally murdered. You obviously wouldn't bitch about a person if you still care to keep a healthy relationship with. Well, not too much anyways.

I remember that I first started out this strange affair in Zorpia just because my friends were doing it. It seemed like fun, but I simply stopped going there after a while. Reason being that my friends have lost interest in it and I know that marked the end of readership for my contents.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy writing as much as I enjoy the fact that there are people who would actually read the shit I write. However, the motivation for me to blog is driven by the attention that I could get. I do not deny the fact that I seek attention. And since I'm at it, let me just put the fact that I am an attention whore in bold.

Which is why I don't keep a diary. Because that won't get me attention.

I rant because I can, because I want to, and purely for the reason that I know that people on the internet are very bored people. I myself surf for blogs to read just to pass time. Blogging doesn't require much creativity, really. All it needs is the ability to churn out mundane stuffs into shinies. Even breathing can be made exciting... if you know what I mean. Everything has an entertainment value.

On a sidenote, for those of you who have a blog out there, don't be surprised if someone you know finds your blog and read it. Nothing on the net stays hidden forever.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my two cents on blogging.

2 commented on
« What blogging means to me»

Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 4:24 PM

... and here's why:

In fact, our supervisor invited me and my colleague over to a short, half an hour christmas buffet (for staffs only)! They didn't throw a grand feast, but at least it was a decent christmas feast. The usual turkey and christmas log cake was there, so I really don't have anything to complain about. Although it was kind of awkward to be amidst the other staffs... I bet we stuck out like a sore thumb.

Ahh... I love working in school.

8 commented on
« I love having ITP in school»

1:48 PM

I was informed that I haven't been updating my blog for a freaking 5 days. I have my reasons of course.

I'm currently re-addicted to the 2D side-scrolling MMORPG! Yes! Of all games! The game's selling point? Mindless killing of monster mobs. The game has some sort of strange engine that casts a voodoo on the players, making them either a horrible addict or hating the game.

As such, I have to delay getting up my new blog template... for the greater good of course! Maple Land needs heroes to protect HER from the monstrous forces! Lands don't just grow defense mechanisms on their own you know?

In other news, I had been wondering if it's the latest fashion trend to put out the size-tag of your t-shirt hanging out of your shirt. You know, the thing that says M or S or L or XL, whichever fits your size description, which occasionally comes along with instructions on how to wash your fragile clothes. I recently saw a girl on the train with that tag sticking out of her shirt and it kinda got me thinking... is that possibly a fashion statement?

It got me thinking a while. I know it's probably just a result of her putting on her shirt in a rush, but come to think of it, it could become the trend. If people can "hang" their pants precariously over their hips, I don't see what's so surprising with sticking a little harmless tag out of your t-shirt. Someone should really explain to me how these people manage to keep their pants mysteriously hanging there. It's like gravity has failed to work there and it has some sort of magical mechanism to prevent the pants from dropping. Amazing.

Christmas is coming and I would love to get a new camera phone! It's not for my own usage of course. Oh no, that would be plain selfish, wouldn't it? It's so that I would be able to take photos of pretty babes and post them here, on this blog! Yes, I know. I'm such a considerate blogster. You may thank me in the form of cash. Note that the extra proceeds would be deposited into Darrell's charity funds. Save a Darrell today.

Being the greedy goodies little bastard kid that I am, I'm having my eyes on the Sony W800i. So this would actually be a good time for Mr Santa to make up the gifts that he has conveniently left out for the past 19 years. And yes, I've been a really good kid... for the major part of the 19 years anyways.

Here's a photo of the awesome phone I was talking about. Enjoy.

7 commented on
« Many-a-topic post»

Friday, December 09, 2005, 8:45 AM

Ahh... like they say, a good start in the morning usually paves a smooth path for you for the rest of the day. Having pretty things to see in the train just makes me happy. Happy enough to blog!

With us being in the age of technology and the internet, more and more people are getting accustomed to net speech. But have you ever tried using them in your real life conversations?

Most of us who chat on the internet should be quite familiar with the shorthand, "LOL" by now. In fact, it's been so badly abused by me that I kind of feel bad using it all the time. But picture yourself trying to pronounce "LOL" out loud when somebody tells a joke.

Let's just take a second to form the mental image.

What the hell am I talking about? "LOL" isn't even a word!

Or is it?

If you're not into the e-trend, perhaps it's not too late for you to pick up a couple of net lingos to use in your next conversation. Let's run through a couple of them:

Alternatively, if you're familiar with the MMORPG called Maple Story and have a group of friends who are hardcore fans of the game, you might want to start memorising the keys for the expressions used there. Trust me, I have heard my sister using it in her real life conversations. Just picture her going "Lame. F5."

So the next time someone comes up to you with a "LEMAO" don't be surprised, lay back, smile and be cool about it. If you really want to capture the moment, why not throw in a "LAWLZ" while you're at it?

Move over, perfect English. This is the age for net speech.

8 commented on
« Bring your net speech into your real life conversation, TODAY!»

Wednesday, December 07, 2005, 5:10 PM

I have to admit that I have totally no luck with girls. And working in a place where the ratio of male:female is like 10:1 doesn't exactly help boost my luck either.

I have been approached by 2 strangers in 2 consecutive days now, both asking me how to operate Adobe Premiere.

And none of them are girls.

If they are they definitely don't look like one.

One of them even asked me for my contact number. Good lord! What have I done to deserve such a treatment?

Please excuse me while I bash my head against the wall in a desperate attempt to find an answer.

4 commented on
« No luck with girls»

10:10 AM

After much contemplation, I have finally decided to change my blog address first before I start working on my new template. I have also changed the old blog skin to a temporary blogger premade one... mainly because I like to look at new things.

So stay tuned for more relentless rantings as well as a new blog skin!

1 commented on
« New Blog Address!»

8:46 AM

For you equation lovers out there, here's one for you:
Loads of Chilli + Abdominal exercises = Hell.

Anyways, I was on the train to work this morning when I happened to see something that I find rather entertaining. Train rides can be boring if you don't keep a lookout for stuffs like this.

I was waiting on the train with this lady in pink beside me(who shall be named as Pink). She's the sort of woman who have a relatively good figure and a good looking face. And best of all, she smells like candy, which kinda makes me wanna [insert whatever you would do with a bar of candy in normal circumstances here] her.

So we got on the train and Pink headed for the handrail pole that was built for people to hold on to it, instead of leaning against it, which she did anyways. So there she was, leaning without a care on the pole which stems out 3 ways, resting her nice body and totally taking up 2 whole areas. Everyone who takes the train should know that the morning train is ridiculously packed with people rushing to work/school/wherever it is they are trying to get to.

But did Pink care? Of course not! Heck if I was a woman with that kind of relatively nice figure, I'll do that too! What other ways are there to stand out prominently in a crowded train?

It's totally fine to lean on that thing if you're in an empty train, but to do that in a ridiculously crowded one is absurd. Well... unless you don't mind having hands all over you in an attempt to grab hold of the pole which you are leaning on.

I was standing rather near her amused by her method to stand out and debating over whether it is her intentions to be touched by people who desperately needs something to grab a hold of. Maybe she's just a single and available woman with a nice package crying out for attention, I thought to myself.

But I was wrong. A few stops after the one that I boarded the train, a guy stepped into the train, staring at Pink. There was no physical contact for a few seconds, and then...

Surprise! Meet Pink's boyfriend (who shall be called Lead. go figure)!! How did I get that ridiculous idea that Lead is Pink's boyfriend? You'll find out soon enough. Just read on.

The happy couple did not hug each other like what I see all the other couples do. But Pink certainly enjoyed poking Lead with her finger from what I saw. Nothing interesting here though.

That is, until she stuck her hand inside his pants pant's... side pocket(I shall call it SIPO for short because I'm too lazy to spell it in full).

I have always wondered what girls do when they stick their hand into the guy's SIPO. The next time I get a girlfriend, I'm definitely gonna get her to stick her hand in.

So there she was, with one hand inside Lead's SIPO. I waited for her hand to move inside the pocket with a grin on my face.

Nothing moved.

Waited somemore.

Still nothing.

Bored now.

After a few minutes, she got her hands out and continued on her routine poking. But it wasn't long till she stuck her hands into Lead's SIPO again.

And I think I saw her hands moving this time.

Oh boy.

It finally occured to me at that point of time that she was probably looking for a switch the first time around to turn on the guy. And then, like anything else on the universe, you let the thing run and warm up before you get down to the actual business.

Let's not elaborate on what I think she is doing. But she has definitely made Lead a happier man this morning. Although I doubt that she managed to complete whatever it was that she set out to do cause I think she caught me smiling very broadly to myself and had her hand retreat from Lead's SIPO almost immediately. Bummer.

I love live shows on the train. It makes the journey much less boring, it's entertaining and education, and the best part about it is that it's totally FREE.

So for those of you couples reading this, please spare a thought for the others and don't hesitate to do whatever you set out to do! You may not know it, but there are those of us out there who are bored to death on the train and occasional scenes such as these totally livens up the atmosphere.

So please, carry on with what you do and don't be afriad of getting looks! That is probably a sign of people enjoying your little act. Your ticket to stardom!

So show off what you are made of today on your nearest MRT train. Who knows, YOU might just be the next big thing!

3 commented on
« Now showing on a train near you»

Monday, December 05, 2005, 4:51 PM

I have finally come to the age where I come to the sad debate of whether it would be better to die as a non-existent character on this planet or to die being hated and remembered by everyone.

I always thought the answer to this was pretty simple and straightforward. Nobody wants to be hated right? Or at least if you get to choose between being liked and being hated, it's simpler to just pick the former. But the thought of dying as if you have not lived at all is a scary thought to have.

Imagine having to live through all that shit in your life only to realise on your death bed that NO ONE outside your tiny circle of friends and family would actually notice that you are gone. Kind of pitiful, although it probably applies to a majority of the population on the planet.

Unable to come to terms with such a sad fate, I have decided that the only way to solve this predicament is to get fame and glory.

Ah yes! Imagine being in the limelight, being hated and loved by crowds of unknown strangers. Being worshipped and spitted on at the same time. Ahh... the euphoria of it all... thinking about this just makes me giddy with excitement.

Shallow? I think not. It definitely beats living like you have never existed before.

What does a guy need to do to get fame around here?!

1 commented on
« Dying»

4:10 PM

Been snooping around blogger in an attempt to chase away the boredom that is almost suffocating me. While I was at it, I chanced upon this thing called AdSense.

Imagine this: You get $ just by having readers click on the ads on your blogger. No strings attached.

I know, it sounds a wee bit unreal to most of us here who aren't familiar with ads on the web, but it does sound tempting. Getting paid for doing basically nothing at all always appeals to me. If someone offers you legal cash, why not right?

In other news, I think I just earned some merit points into Heaven by buying some pastries at $2 which would be donated to the Children's Home. Go me.

1 commented on
« Ads on your blog?»

Sunday, December 04, 2005, 8:01 PM

There are some things in life, regardless of how many times it happen, would trigger a particular reaction from you.

No, I'm not talking about sex.

I'm talking about how strangely amused and surprised you can feel when you get to see your friend on television experiencing that few minutes of fame. There I was, minding my own business watching tv when I happened to spot a familiar figure on tv (whose name I shall not mention here because I wouldn't want to cause a rukus over such a small matter now, would I?).

It took a few minutes for the scene to sink into my head. Here's how it goes:

"Oh, that's my friend!" I exclaimed in the living room to my family members. Someone that I know was on TV. How often do you get that?

Boy am I proud of myself.

2 commented on
« That's how it goes»

1:00 PM

Been doodling in Illustrator for a few days now to plan the layout for my new blog template. The thing should be up about a month or so... and as promised, no more black backgrounds! Seems like I've been using black backgrounds for an eternity. (can you blame me for using such a cool color?) Once the blog template is done, I'll be changing my blog address, again! Hopefully for the last time.

New things always get me hyped up and gives me a reason to be motivated. Expect more blog entries coming your way once I get the new babies up. In the meantime, I need to get out of my house more often and start making social connections if I want to have something to blog about.


0 commented on
« New Blog Template»

Thursday, December 01, 2005, 8:56 AM

I haven't been blogging at all for a very long time! Not that I have any excuses for not doing so either. FYP ended quite a while ago, with 1.5months of holiday before my internship, which leaves me with plenty of time for a blog entry...

So why the hell is my blog not updated?

Because I'm lazy. Couple that together with the fact that there isn't much interesting events going on in my life and that I have nothing much to bitch about, I think that makes a pretty valid reason for my lack of enthusiasm in blogging. Meh.

Since I'm owing all those blog surfers a long list of blog updates, let's do a quick run on my boring little life in the past few months as well as my present condition.

That's pretty much it. Nothing interesting happened during that period of time/I had amnesia/nothing seemed interesting to me.

I'm contemplating on changing my blog layout again... this time to something that is perhaps more simple and not black. I've been using black background for most, if not all of my blog templates and I think it's about time for a new change. What I need now is a good reason to start on it and some inspiration.

Laziness is a horrid disease.

2 commented on
« First blog entry in what seemed like years»


-is an '86er
-is easily bored




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